
Vanilla and Winter

Vanilla (aka Nilly the nut) is having a great time enjoying the summer.  She's working on her digging skills (always helpful if you need to escape or perhaps would like to do some quick re-landscaping!) Also, playing in the kiddie pool, taking stuff in and bringing it back out and her most favorite - wrestling with her foster sister, Winnie (Winter), going back and forth being "it" chasing all over the yard.  Nilly has lots of energy as she is a young pup and also has lots of love to give!

Winnie (Winter) is loving that she has another dog to follow around, chase and play with giving her the option of having someone to play with (or nap with) any time of the day.  She and Nilly are close in age and size so really enjoy investigating things together.  Winnie is a also quite the snuggle bug so just like Nilly, always ready to stop what she's doing to come running over for a little loving.

These are both such sweet little girls just waiting for someone to ask them to join their family!