
Updates from foster mom Pat...........

Dooney and Lucy are enjoying the summer playing wrestling and rolling in the grass having a great time as only dogs can do.  Dooney is having an extra good time playing in the kiddie pool.  As soon as she goes outside she detours through the pool to play in the water.  We are having an on going discussion about what belongs in the pool.  Normally, i toss toys and balls in the water and she goes in, splashes around and eventually brings it back to me, all wet but very proud of herself.  Now she's decided to help with the gardening and she gets the potted plants to bring in the pool.  I looked out and saw the pool full of muddy water, the remains of a plant and pot and Dooney-bug looking at me as if to say, "look what i did!" She is so sweet you can't even be mad at her.  So we go out, dump the water and fill it back up again and in she goes.  She had learned another new trick that all the dogs appreciate.  She has figured out how to get the lid off of Lucy's food bucket, then stands there and eats all she can.  Not greedy, she freely invites everyone to join her!

Lucy is getting much more adventurous and wanting to go say hi to people.  She loves our morning walks and explores all she can.  Today was dooney's first "big girl" walk so Lucy was there to help her out.  She had to remind her there was no stopping for naps in the grass and sometimes when you plow head first into the long grass you can get tangled up.  But all in all, she did great.  There was only that one time when after trying to chase the butterfly Dooney-bug got a little excited and since she couldn't catch the butterfly tried nipping at Lucy's ear instead to start a game if chase me.  Lucy explained, no chase games during walks and we continued on home.  Lucy is such a sweet girl and just wants someone to love!

Lil bit is feeling so much better now that her skin issues are under control.  She is all that you expect from a playful terrier.  She lives to race around with Lucy and Dooney-bug but is more careful with dooney and sometimes dooney, being a puppy, doesn't realize those big feet against a little terrier body.  Lil bit is quick to remind her and the games continue.  And of course, now that she feels good she has taken over chipmunk management and patrols daily to keep them in line!  Anyone who loves terriers,  their antics and joyful outlook on life will love this girl!