This blog was created to display additional pictures of Fluffy Dog Rescue dogs. Double click on the picture to enlarge...........These dogs are living with foster mom Pat and her dogs Cooper and Schroeder.
Welcome to Wisconsin Schroeder.
Foster mom Pat came by my house today for new Schroeder pictures. What a nice boy. We were told he was 4months old but he does have a full set of teeth and is not a clumsy puppy so we really think he is 6-8 months. He is really attentive and loves attention. Pat has already taught him the sit command. Schroeder has a long body that reminds us of a doxie and a face that reminds us of a Pug/Beagle mix. His tail curls up like a Pugs. He does not have the crazy energy that Puggles are known for. I doubt he will reach 20lbs so he is quite small. He looks much bigger in these pictures.